Rekrutter nemmere
end nogensinde før

Recruit easier than ever before

Create your profile here and get direct access to VIA University College's students and graduates from the construction, engineering, storytelling, design and business programmes.

Meet some of them here and see examples of learned competencies they have chosen to emphasize 👉


If you want to know more about your options for establishing and strengthening cooperation with VIA's students, click here and read what VIA's CareerService Center can offer.

Over 75.000 brugere har brugt Candeno
Over 50.000 users has already used Candeno

Rekrutter nemmere
end nogensinde før

Recruit easier than ever before

Sådan kommer du hurtigt i job
Sådan kommer du hurtigt i job

Create your profile here and get direct access to VIA University College's students and graduates from the construction, engineering, storytelling, design and business programmes.

Meet some of them here and see examples of learned competencies they have chosen to emphasize 👉


If you want to know more about your options for establishing and strengthening cooperation with VIA's students, click here and read what VIA's CareerService Center can offer.

Over 50.000 brugere har brugt Candeno
Over 50.000 users has already used Candeno

Gratis hjælp til den næste rekruttering!

Recruit easier than ever before

Create your profile here and get direct access to VIA University College's students and graduates from the construction, engineering, storytelling, design and business programmes.

Meet some of them here and see examples of learned competencies they have chosen to emphasize 👉


If you want to know more about your options for establishing and strengthening cooperation with VIA's students, click here and read what VIA's CareerService Center can offer.

Over 50.000 brugere har brugt Candeno
Over 50.000 users has already used Candeno

Bliv oprettet som virksomhed

Register as a company

Candeno hjælper jer med at finde jeres næste medarbejder. Vi har valgt at anskue ansættelsesprocessen anderledes, og lader jer som virksomhed møde jeres kandidatmatches allerede sekundet efter I har oprettet jeres første jobopslag på platformen.

Udfyld formularen til højre, og vi vil inden for 24 timer række ud til jer, og hjælpe jer i gang med brugen af platformen.

Candeno helps you find your next employee. We have chosen to approach the hiring process differently, and therefore, we allow you to meet your candidate matches immediately after you have posted your first job posting on the platform. Complete the form to the right, and within 24 hours, we will reach out to you to assist you in getting started with using the platform.

Instant match

Instant match

Dyk ned i kandidater

Explore candidates

Bred kandidatpulje

Broad candidate pool